Monday, December 24, 2007

I'm famous!

Yeah seriously. At least somewhat. Okay, maybe famous is too strong a word, but "famous" enough for me to be accosted recently by a seemingly random stranger and asked "Excuse me, are you the quizzer from IIMB?"

Let me clarify from the outset that I wasn't attired in one of Planet Mars' seemingly endless range of IIMB jackets/sweatshirts/t-shirts, so there is no way he could have known I was the quizzer from IIMB. I wasn't even in one of the several Quizcorp T-shirts that I am a proud owner of, so there wasn't anything in my external guise to suggest that I was a quizzer. In fact, I was in lemming-wear (ie: business formals, which makes all people look exactly the same). My completely perplexed and clueless countenance must have suggested to him that I wasn't going through the same pangs of face recognition that he was, so he finally suggested helpfully "You did the un-maad open quiz this year in IIMB, and the college quiz last year". Now both of the above are inexorable truths and I made no attempt to gainsay them. This was far better than a naive 6-year old me running up to Kamalhassan and saying I was a big fan of his when I couldn't possibly have named even two of his movies. This chap at least got 2 basic facts about me right.

I continued mumbling some nonsense and he continued with more helpful hints in a seeming attempt to re-jig my memory. "You, Mukka and the other guy did the quiz together I believe" (Whoa, I always thought Udups wa the most famous quizzer of the 3 of us, but seemingly not). I finally found my voice and retorted with "No, I remember doing the quizzes of course, but I didn't know I was this famous".

An awkward silence followed that remark. That sounded somewhat biggety I know. But it IS spooky to be recognized in far away Mumbai, mind you, where I am as yet a nobody (of course, this is a somewhat presumptuous corollary of assuming I am a 'somebody' in Bangalore to begin with). And then, before I could ask who he was, he was off in a flash. An apt ending for a brief 42 second interlude in my otherwise mundane Mumbai existence. Of course in a parallel universe, instead of the random guy, it'd been some cute chick, and we would have ridden off into the sunset, but this'll have to do for now.

C'est la vie. For now, I am going to believe I actually am famous. At least in my own surreal world.


Hari Shenoy said...

Lemmings ki jai.

The ending was apt, and spooky because of the gtalk conversation fundaes.

Anonymous said...

"Monkee, Mukka and the other guy " would be a great name for a teen chick flick

pa said...

I think I'll make a great other guy.

Atulya said...

"Monkee, Mukka and the other guy" is a chick flick in the same mold as "Five guys, a girl and a pizza place" (never mind that the only 6 people who actually got the context were the ones presenting).

Of course, I'm not sure the girl in aforementioned flick would actually be too happy to be branded the "chick" part of a "teen chick flick"!

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