Thursday, June 19, 2008

The magical mystery tour took me away

Just when I have tonnes to blog about, a busy patch (in other words, project winding time) appears. For now, these two photos will have to do. And no, unlike other times, the photographic prowess isn't what I am boasting of this time. Just that finally, the highest altars of both my religions were worshiped at last weekend (go figure). All in the matter of some 24 hours. It might be some seven lifetimes before such ecstasy is experienced again.

Till then, living will have to be (easy) with eyes closed


Anonymous said...

Where did you go hiking, to chance upon Strawberry Fields?

Atulya said...

Liverpool, my lad.

Anonymous said...

for a change i can get the skewed hints you put out... bloody quizzer

Atulya said...

The emphasis was on "Beatles rocks" and "ManU rocks" rather than the actual suburb of Liverpool where you find the aforementioned artifact, but yes, you went even more skewed than I intended.

Anonymous said...

It must be the colour red. :P

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